Busker Nights at the Fabrica Art Space

Busker Nights at the Fabrica Art Space BUSKER NIGHTS  *Thank you for your tip!* This summer, the renovated courtyard of Fabrica Technopark is filled with Street Performing artists! Zogler, musicians, acrobats, puppet players and street theater actors make a stop in the most artistic courtyard of Athens and present unique documentary events. Busker Nights means […]

Book Presentation: The Blind Horse. Dialogues with Eugenio Barba and other writings

Book Presentation: The Blind Horse. Dialogues with Eugenio Barba and other writings Book presentation Dodoni Publications and the Center for Theatrical Anthropology (Heraklion, Crete) invite you on Monday, January 17 at 7 p.m. in the presentation of the book The Blind Horse. Dialogues with Eugenio Barba and other writings by Iben Nagel Rasmussen actress and […]

Puppet theater show- Italo Pecoretti & Follemente Company

Two puppet theater players are coming from Italy to Fabrica Artspace to give one unique show on Tuesday, March 13th! PULCINELLA, death and miracles- Italo Pecoretti The fate of Pulcinella is to face the challenges of life with his unparalleled sympathy, in this case it does without the use of t h e w o […]

¨nau frágil¨- music performance by Rafa Carvalho

Experimental artistic project that has the Sea as its only theme: fact and symbol. Where Rafa Carvalho with a simple percussion set containing a ilú (specific instrument from Pernambuco), a ocean drum and some rattles of seeds and nails, mix his songs with movements, dance, poems and storytelling, having always the rhythm as a base […]