Theater of research – Fabrica Lab

θεατρικό πρόγραμμα, theater of research, θεατρο της έρευνας, τεχνοχώρος φάμπρικα, fabrica artspace, fabrica athens, mostar friedensprojekt
Weekly courses Theater of Research in Fabrica artspace.

Fanis Katechos, a founding member of Fabrica Athens, inspirer and keynote speaker of the contemporary theatrical method “Theater of Research”, intensively shares for another year the findings of his personal theatrical research, within the annual Fabrica Lab. Participants practice and know the techniques he has developed and the methods he incorporates into practice, such as those of Grotowski, Eugenio Barba, Peter Brook, Suzuki and Suzan Batson.

The “Theater of Research” is an idea based on practice, which takes place in the here and now. Activating the body, exploring and expanding its boundaries, relaxing the mind, but also exploring the authentic sound landscapes it produces. The goal is the recognition and release of the visible and invisible masks of the human – actor, the extraction of the diamonds that are hidden in each one and the creation of personal (physical – spiritual) and group unity. Also important is the implantation of the seed of the actor’s autonomy, through the effort to create his personal method, while the overall training through the courses – meetings aims to shape people – artists “plasticine” who are “multi-tools” , “Transparent” who will let others see through them the hidden truth and “anxious” who will manage their roles as tightrope walkers.

The days and hours of the weekly workshops for the artistic period 2019 – 2020 will be announced in the second year.

The sections are formed at the beginning of the artistic period. However, for those who are interested in participating in the courses and wish to know the method, they can contact the instructors of Fabrica Athens in the following email for more information and further consultation for their inclusion in the departments: (Subject: Weekly Courses )
