SaBarBar project in the context of co-Athens

The multiactive Art group Fabrica Athens collaborates with the group No Play / UrbanDig Project and presents sabarBar.

The sabarBar project is a platform for open participation in a co-creation process, triggered by true stories, testimonies and narrations of residents of Exarcheia. These stories will be turned into lyrics, songs, chants and a theatrical polyphonic event.

Starting point is a “datsun” with a body or otherwise an “art and meeting place on wheels”. Every now and then it will park in Exarchia and will create an occasion for us to meet, to exchange ideas and reflections. At the same time, he will collect stories, inform and invite everyone to take part in the next actions.

This collaboration has its roots in last March. As part of the Co-Athens / Curing the Limbo program of the Municipality of Athens, 20 Athenian groups met with the refugee participants of the program, with the aim of testing an original idea in practice. The locals of the city and active in the field of culture and other practices, to actively cooperate with our newly arrived roommates, jointly proposing ideas that can make our city better.

Two months of systematic digital meetings gave rise to the idea of ​​Sabar Bar. Sabar Bar meaning “cactus” and “patience” in Arabic. The concept of Sabar Bar inspired us to create something that will last in time. Songs taken from the most beautiful and powerful stories that the area and its people have to tell.

SaBarBar is a call to an unmediated experience of sharing and open discussion in public. An attempt to learn from each other through the way everyone perceives reality in the neighborhood. With the aim of finally bringing the ‘other realities’ into a dialectical relationship with each other, highlighting practices of co-creation, synergy and active participation in the commons.

The actions of saBarBar are addressed to everyone! They include extroversion activities in the neighborhood, oral history workshops, song and theater creation, (open) rehearsals and a theatrical polyphonic event.

SaBarBar was co-created by Momina Algaga, Vasia Balkanioti, Yaman United, Fani Katecho, Anna Magoulioti, Katerina Protonotariou, George Sachini, Mohammad Tayeb. It is a collaboration of not playing / UrbanDig Project with Fabrica Athens.

Look for it and… join the ride !! To turn the road together into an open workshop of expression and co-creation.



“The action is part of the co-Athens implemented by the European pilot program of the Municipality of Athens Curing the Limbo. The program is co-financed by the ERDF under the UIA program.”
