Ram Yoga
New Ram Yoga course at the Fabrica Artspace, as part of the annual Fabrica Lab.
Classes will begin with two open and free introductory sessions during the 7th Handmade and Recycled Theater Festival. For the two open courses it is important to reserve a place in the following data for the best service of the interested parties.
Yoga classes are a personal encounter with the breath, body and sound it produces.
The space and what it includes.
Meeting with the inside, the outside and the space between them.
With pause and silence.
A link to I Am That.
One step towards True Nature.
The lessons are based on classic Yoga practices, such as those of Yengar Yoga, Nada Yoga and Hatha Yoga. In this context we will move progressively from breathing exercises (pranayama) and physical activities (asana) to meditation (dhyana) and we will touch on pieces of the philosophy of Yoga (Yoga Sutras). Each lesson will be independent. There will be a connection and continuity between the courses.
The aim of these courses is to be a small retreat, or otherwise a break in everyday life. To create space and time for everyone to personally train and relax their body and mind, so that they can return refreshed to the whole. In addition, in a more general context, the courses aim to:
- a connection between the trainee and the present moment.
- To redefine our axis and boundaries.
- Encourage a journey of questions and self-knowledge.
- To find out the reason of this participation.
The Ram Yoga course title is inspired by the god Rama of Hindu mythology. He is the incarnation of the god Visnu, god of conservation. It symbolizes our inner flame, which is located in the 3rd energy center (chakra) and purifies the body and mind. In turn the 3rd chakra is associated with inner strength and will, which many translate as courage. We all have this transformative energy and it is an integral part of a continuous practice that will help us overcome any obstacle in life.
Those interested in attending the classes are kindly requested to wear comfortable, sporty clothes with a fitted line. Those who have their own mattress can wear it, due to the limited number of mattresses.
For reservations, interested parties are invited to call the reservation phone or send an email to researchtheater@gmail.com with the subject “Ram Yoga” and state:
- Full name
- Desirable day / s of monitoring
- Contact Phone
- If you can have your own mattress
Where: Fabrica Theater Stage
When: Sunday 29/09, 11:00 – 12:30 and Monday 30/09, 17:30 – 19:00
trainer: Giòvanna Michaliadi Sarti
Information / Reservations: researchtheater@gmail.com, +30 6949409474