Invitation to a Hearing 2019 – 2020

Villa Utopia - Fabrica Athens
Invitation to a Hearing by Fabrica Athens.
The multiactive Art Group Fabrica Athens and Lysandros Spetsieris invite actors and dancers to an audition for the new Production of the Director.

The audition will take place at “APO MICHANIS THEATRO” on Sunday, June 16, 2019. It is important to note that it will take place in the form of an open rehearsal with the other actors of the show and start time 17:30 strictly.

The invitation is addressed to women and men, actors or dancers from 30 to 40 years old. Interested artists are invited to be available from September 2019 until March 2020 for rehearsals and performances. To register your participation in the hearing, please send an email to with the subject “Listening June ’19 -’20”, stating your name and a contact phone number in the text.


When: Sunday 16 June
Time: 17:30
Duration: 180 minutes
Venue: FROM MICHANIS THEATER – upper stage
