Fabrica Athens – Our Team

The Multi-active Group of Art – Fabrica Athens was created in 2009. In 2011 it shaped its own, completely handmade theatre “Fabrica Theater Stage” in Kerameikos. The team’s venue takes its present form in 2014 with the additional space “Fabrica Artspace”. A ground floor studio in Athens above the titular underground theatre.

Contribiution in Education

Fabrica Athens is greatly involved in the field of education. Members of the team give weekly lessons and independent seminars in Fabrica Artspace, in artistic venues in Athens, in the Drama School “Iakovos Kampanellis” in Agia Varvara Municipality, in Korydallos prisons and in Avlonas prisons. Additionally, Fabrica Athens takes part in, coorganises and sends trainers to European programmes for young people, European programmes for teacher training, Erasmus+ programmes, independent workshops and masterclasses in Greece and abroad (Spain, Turkey, Germany, Bosnia). The fields of education where the team moves is theatre, yoga and the art of circus. What is special is the contribution and the recognition of the “Theatre of Research” method which was introduced by Fanis Katehos who is its founding member.

Handmade and Recycled Theater Festival

Every year since 2013 Fabrica Athens organises its own “Handmade and Recycled Theatre Festival”. The driving force of the beginning of this celebration was the need to “take art in our own hands”. By maturing and finding its purpose in time, Handmade and Recycled Theatre Festival aims at giving a chance to new artists, but also to give space to professional artists to promote themselves and the notions of handmade and recyclable, like Fabrica Athens does. These notions are directly connected with self-organisation, self-creation and togetherness. In conclusion, every year the team calls the representatives of this cause and helps them to fulfil it. There is also an important variety of actions that take place in the Festival with no restrictions in the welcoming of any kind of art.

Fabrica Athens Theater Productions

Moreover, Fabrica Athens has undertaken, created and presented a variety of plays and performances in Greece and abroad, including:

  • Cain’s children, Vafeio Theatre – 2008
  • Alice in Land, Hytirion Theatre – 2008
  • The City, Vafeio Theatre – 2009
  • Shopping and Fucking, Vafeio Theatre – 2011
  • Undead, Beton Theatre – 2012, I love you-I hate you, Fabrica Stage – 2013
  • I insist, Fabrica Stage – 2013
  • Pulp Fiction, Alcmene Theatre – 2014
  • Villa Utopia, Vyrsodepseio Theatre – 2014
  • Suddenly Last Summer, Rabbithole Theatre – 2016
  • 7 Deadly Sins, Fabrica Theater Stage – 2017
  • Faith, Fabrica Theater Stage – 2017
  • Land without Man, Theaterhaus Berlin Mitte – 2017
  • Roots and Wings – 2018
  • Change, Fabrica Artspace – 2019
  • Love’s Labour Lost, Theater 14 – 2020.
Bubble Shows, Circus, Entertainment

In 2012 Fabrica Athens was the first to bring the Bubble performing to Greece, thus creating the artistic duet Mr. and Mrs. Bubble and the spectacular performance of circus-theatre Mr. and Mrs. Bubble-The Show. At the same time they started being involved in the field of Circus, Show-Entertainment and Street Theatre adding to their experiences different kinds of performances, events and educational activities for kids and adults. The Mr. and Mrs. Bubble-The Show as well as other events by the artistic duet have been presented in Greece, Southern Korea, Japan, India, Germany, Skopje, Italy and Cyprus. This interactive bubble performance was born after theatrical research which helped the team enter the scientific field that deals with bubbles, the “Bubble-ology”. Experimentations evolve and constantly refresh this unique performance and the numerous events it has. Unique inventions by Mr. and Mrs. Bubble, who first brought Bubble Performing to the world, are the Bubble Fingers, the Bubble-Poi and the Bubble Bike. Mr. and Mrs. Bubble, their cooperation with independent artists and the initiation of new artists and different fields of Street Art build the foundation for a Modern Art Form and Entertainment of High Aesthetics.

Fabrica Artspace

Finally, the theatrical stage “Fabrica Stage” and Fabrica Artspace are a meeting point for various art forms and artistic expression and they host independent young and acclaimed artists. Fabrica Athens, its events and its place are a benchmark of Athens. They create a dynamic cultural landscape in the Kerameikos neighbourhood. They extend the theatrical and modern artistic map of Athens while at the same time they travel beyond the country limits, thus charting new horizons for art and man.
