Theatrical Connections

1st Seminar Theatrical Connections – Methoni, Messinia The Multi-active Art Group Fabrica Athens crossed the cosmopolitan borders of Athens and for the first year transferred its educational activity to the diverse countryside of Greece. Our team held the 1st seminar “Theatrical Connections” in the coastal Methoni of Messinia in August 2020, while at the same […]

LINES ǀ CURVES ǀ or Vice Versa

LINES ǀ CURVES ǀ or Vice Versa Presentation of LINES ǀ CURVES ǀ or Vice Versa at the School of Fine Arts in the context of the 10th Athens Video Dance Festival and the Performance Lab with Ioannis Karounis. On Sunday, January 26, 2020, the presentation of the work-in-progress “LINES ǀ CURVES ǀ or Vice […]

Internship – Open Call

Open Invitation for Internship at the Fabrica Artspace The multiactive Art Group Fabrica Athens invites students to complete their internship at the Fabrica Artspace, from departments of schools related to: Culture and Art (Theater, dance, visual arts, etc.) in practical or theoretical level Cultural Management The Social and Political Sciences Communication and Media and any […]

Call for Artistic Proposals 2019 – 2020

Open Call for Artistic Proposals 2019 – 2020. Fabrica Athens Theater Group invites groups and independent artists to submit their proposals for the period 2019-2020. The multiactive Art Group Fabrica Athens completes 10 years of life and enters its new decade with renewed artistic and educational proposals. In the context of this new era, it […]

Common Starting Point – Theatrical Group of EKKNA & KATKETH – 13/05/2019

The “Common Starting Point” A Performance of the Theatrical Groups of the Special Detention Center for Young People of Avlona (EKKNA) and the Center for Detoxification of Drug Prisoners Eleona – Thebes (KATKETH). Stathis Grapsas is the inspirer of the Theatrical Workshops and the Personal Development Program based on the Theater. As Head of Workshops, […]

Invitation to a Hearing 2019 – 2020

Invitation to a Hearing by Fabrica Athens. The multiactive Art Group Fabrica Athens and Lysandros Spetsieris invite actors and dancers to an audition for the new Production of the Director. The audition will take place at “APO MICHANIS THEATRO” on Sunday, June 16, 2019. It is important to note that it will take place in […]

Interview for Youth Exchange – Race for Tolerance

A Struggle for Tolerance – Tolerace The Multicultural Art Group Fabrica Athens co-organized with the German Organization “Mostar Friendensproject”, the 7th in a row Youth Exchange Program – Race for Tolerance. The European program took place in Germany, in the city of Bremen from 6 to 15 August 2018, with the support of “Erasmus + […]

The Greek-German Youth Foundation for the show “Faith”

The Hellenic-German Youth Foundation shares its experience for the exchange of twenty young people, mainly from immigrant families, for the two trips and rehearsals in Berlin and Athens and for the completion of the “In and Out” program with the performance “Faith” at the Fabrica Athens artspace. For anyone who speaks German or thinks that […]

Fabrica Athens in Berlin- Greek/German theater for youth

A few words about the experience of pur team during our first visit to Berlin and our participation in a workshop with young people from foreign countries within the exchange program organized by “Mostar Friedensprojekt e.V.” Read more details as recorded by Panagiotis Kouparanis and

Presentation & Analysis of the Artistic Network of the Fabrica Athens Artspace

Presentation & Analysis of the Artistic Network of the Fabrica Athens Artspace Students of the Postgraduate Program in Cultural Management of Panteion University 2016-2017 under the supervision of Associate Professor Giannis Skarpelos and Dr. Andrea Zachariadis, researched the action of the Fabrica Athens Artspace using modern technological tools for the analysis of social artistic networks, […]