Invitation to participate in the Erasmus + Program “Growing Uo is Hard to Do”.
The multiactive Art Group Fabrica Athens invites young people from all over Greece to participate in the Youth Exchange Program “Growing Up is Hard to Do”. The European Program is organized by the German organization Monstar Friedensprojekt and is funded by Erasmus + “Youth in Action”.
From 25 July to 3 August 2019 young people from all over Europe will meet in the province of Osterholz-Scharmbek in Niedersachsen, Germany to explore the process of coming of age. There they will have the opportunity to present and discuss their thoughts on the subject of adolescence. In addition, they will come into contact with various scientific theories that approach adulthood and learn to manage prejudices and social concepts that everyone is confronted with. Also, the disadvantages of the adult process will be discussed, which sometimes cause minor inconveniences and sometimes leave significant trauma.
Within 15 days, participants will meet the following objectives:
- Understanding and finding the way of formulating the personal perception of each participant about adulthood and the difficulties of maturation understandably and clearly.
- Recording of the acquired knowledge during the program and the discussions with the invited specialists.
- Recording of personal and group strategies that young people will develop on the subject of adult management.
- Creation of a daily blog that will contain the above recordings.
- Creation of an online manual that will contain what they have learned and experienced the days of the program.
- Organization of a public event, where the results of the Youth Exchange will be presented in the form of an exhibition and open discussion with the invited public and visitors.
It is important to note that young people will come into contact with concepts derived from the sciences of psychology, medicine, biology, the arts, humanities, sociology and ethnology. Through them, they will be able to talk openly about their own experiences of isolation, frustration and exclusion during adulthood, while being able to distinguish between mood swings, depression and mental illness.
Through these processes participants will develop new skills, such as:
- Familiarity with creating an online manual.
- Improvement of writing skills, taking photos and editing them.
- Creation of video-blog and learning practical ways to expand their influence in society.
- Presentation of the results of a youth exchange as well as the transmission of the acquired knowledge to other young people.
The Youth Exchange “Growing Up is Hard to Do” is aimed at young people from 17 to 25 years old. Applications will be accepted from 10 to 30 June. Those interested in participating can send an email with the subject “Growing Up” to Applications will be accepted that will include all the following information: Curriculum vitae, Photo, Reason for Participation as well as contact details (phone and contact email).