Babis Loukopoulos

Babis Loukopoulow
Babis Loukopoulos


1996 Degree in cinematography-director of photography at the Lykourgos Stavrakos School of Cinema and Television – TEI Equivalence
2008 Graduate of the Higher School of Dramatic Art of the Cultural Center of the Municipality of Ag. Barbara – Iakovos Kampanellis


2019 Participation and representation of Greece in collaboration with young actors from Romania and Hungary in the performance ‘Cultural Barter in Mera’ under directed by Odin Theater Denmark teachers Donald Kitt and Kai Bredholt in Cluj, Romania 2019 Starring role in the play by Niki Rapti “The Terrace” directed by Niki Rapti

2018 Direction of the performance ‘Race for tolerance’ with a group of young people from 9 different European countries, under the Erasmus program 1st place in Bremen, Germany in August and 2nd in Newcastle, UK in November.

2017 Participation in the performance ‘Faith’ directed by Vikis Kyriakoulakou

2016-2017 Participation and dramatization of texts in the corporal theater performance ‘7 deadly sins’ directed by Fani Katechou

2016 Participation in the theatrical project arsMars 1΄΄, directed by George Stylianopoulos

2014 Participation, text translation and theatrical performance in the play “Madame de la Carliere” devised theater project, with the Lahban method, directed by Dr. Kiki Selioni

2014 Participation in “Shakespeare on the move” devised theater project, based on the method of Lahban, directed by Dr. Kiki Selioni

2014 Starring role, translation and theatrical performance of a text in “Pulp fiction 2014” directed by Fenia Proveleggiou

2014 Participation in “Becket on the mix” devised performance, based on the method of Lahban, directed by Dr. Kiki Selioni

2013 Participation in Aeschylus’ “Eumenides” directed by Konstantinos Markellos

2012 Participation, direction and theatrical performance in the poetic work “Two beautiful, fragrant, pink letters” 2011 Starring role in the play “The Portrait of Dorian Gray” directed by Eleni Danube

2011 Participation, translation and theatrical performance in the play “Shoppin and fuckin” theatrical project, directed by the group Fabrica Arte

2010 Starring role in the dance theater performance “Three sisters on the move” directed and choreographed by Akis Sideris

2009 Direction, translation and theatrical performance in the play “Deathproof” 2008 Participation in the play “The diamond and the whale” directed by Vassilis Aslanidis

2008 Participation in Aeschylus’ “Hoifores” directed by Loukas Thanos 2007 Participation, co-direction and theatrical adaptation in the project “Around the dollhouse” directed by Roulas Pateraki

Cinema & Television

2019 Participation as an auxiliary actor in the films: “Born to be murdered” directed by Ferdinando Cito Filomarino, “Adults in the room” directed by Costa Gavra, “Moon 66 Questions” directed by Jacqueline Lenzou

2019 Participation as an supporting actor in 2 episodes of the TV series “Red River” directed by Manousos Manousakis

2018 Participation in a commercial “OPAP – Scratch” directed by Deni Iliadis

2017 Participation in 11 episodes of the TV series “Tattoo” directed by Andreas Georgiou

2016 Participation in the short film “-1”, directed by Natassa Xydi

2015 Leading role in the commercial “11888 – OTE”, directed by Panos Koronis

2008 Screenplay, direction, music investment and participation in the short photostory film “Do not leave”

2007 Leading role in the commercial of “Hellas on line”, directed by George Lanthimos

2007 Screenplay, direction and participation in the short film “The greek junkie”

1996 Participation in the short film “A plan and I save it”, directed by Panagiotis Kalogeropoulos

1995 Participation in the short film “Muchodrigo is a baker”, directed by Haris Argyris


2017 – 2020 Radio Producer of the show “NIGHT DRIVE radioshow” every Wednesday night at the online radio station Voicewebradio


2019 Performance seminar with Donald Kitt of Odin Teatret (Hostelbro Danmark)

2017-2018 “Chorpus Orchestra” Music and Body Seminar and music theory in teaching: Evangelia Velli – Kosma 2016 Seminar on the ancient drama on the subject of “Oresteia” by Aeschylus, speaker Loukas Thanos

2015-2016 Seminar and teaching introduction to contemporary dance (contemporary dance) teaching: Giannis Mantsis, Natassa Papamichael

2015-2016 Seminar-training of physical theater based on the methods of Grotowski, Eugenio Barba, Suzuki, speaker Fanis Katechos

2013-2014 Seminar-training ballet exercises for actors and introduction to Graham dance method, lecturer Dr. Kiki Selion

2013-2014 Seminar on the Lahban method, lecturer Dr. Kiki Selioni

2011-2012 Acting and addressing seminar, speaker Roula Pateraki

2011 Seminar-training on the method of physical theater Grotowsky, speaker Fanis Katechos

2011 Acting and actor coaching seminar, lecturer Giles Foreman

2009 Acting seminar with the method of Roula Pateraki, speaker herself

2006-2008 Musical movement and singing seminar, presented by Sia Koskina

2006 Seminar-teaching in classical song, lecturer Maria Dimitriadi

Other interests

English Proficiency

Spanish and Italian (entry level, speaking / reading)

Professional song, guitar (member of the band PLTK for 12 years)

Football, volleyball, track and field
