10th HRTFest – Call for Volunteers

handmade recycled theater festival, athens, performance, circus, all arts, keramikos, φεστιβάλ, χειροποίητο ανακυκλώσιμο θέατρο, αθήνα, τέχνες, περφορμανς, σεμινάρια

Handmade and Recycled Theater Festival and Multi-active Theater Fabrica Athens is launching an open call for volunteers for 10th HRTFest. From September 22 to October 2 we take the […]

Call for Participation – 7th HRTF

Handmade and Recycled Theater Festival- Τεχνοχώρος Φάμπρικα

Open invitation to participate in the most Handmade and Recyclable Festival of Athens. The multiactive art group Fabrica Athens and Technochoros Fabrica […]