Handmade and Recycled Theater Festival and Multi-active Theater Fabrica Athens is launching an open call for volunteers for 10th HRTFest.
From September 22 to October 2 we take the art in our hands!
The most Handmade and Recycled Festival of Athens, the Handmade and Recycled Theater Festival, organized for 10 years by the Multiactive Art Group Fabrica Athens, invites people of all ages inspired by the Festival’s vision to co-organize an artistic celebration.
10th HRTFest
During its years, the Festival of Handmade and Recyclable Theater has hosted over 40 forms of expression and artistic creation. For a more complete picture of the Festival, and its activities, visit the following website.
The duties of volunteers include the:
– welcome to the public and artists,
– information about the actions,
– promotion on social media,
– supervision of parallel actions (eg photo or crafts exhibition)
– participation in the coordination of activities.
Volunteers should be available both during the Festival and if possible, during its preparation (the period of September-October). All volunteers will have free access to the whole Festival and will be given a certificate of participation.
To participate in the festival, those interested should send an email with the subject “Application for Volunteer Participation” to the following email address: hrtfest@gmail.com.
The email needs to include the following information in a pdf file:
– Curriculum vitae
– A photo (portrait)
Proposals will be accepted until September 15, 2022. Applications that do not include the above information or that are overdue will be considered invalid.