XXXY- Aniline Dancetheatre- 2 until 24/12/17

ΧΧΧΥ- Aniline Dancetheater

The performance “XXXY” by Aniline Dancetheatre who won the first prize during the 5th Handmade & Recycled Theater Festival in autumn 2017 is hosted for 8 performances from December 2nd to December 24th in Fabrica Artspace. 

Contemporary dance duet


Dates: 2 – 24 December 2017

When: every Saturday at 19:00 & every Sunday at 21:00

Duration: 45′

Ticket: 8€ | 5€ (unemployed, students)

Reservations: 6983188790

Space: Fabrica Artspace, Meg. Alexandrou 125 & Eurumedontos, Keremeikos