Balinese Dance Theater Workshop with Mask – I Wayan Bawa
Balinese Mask Dancetheater Workshop with I Wayan Bawa from Bali (Indonesia)
The Multiactive Art Group Fabrica Athens brings for the first time in Greece the great performer and teacher of Balinese Mask Dance Drama, I Wayan Bawa. The Balinese dancer and actor, art director and teacher of Gambuh Desa Batuan Ensemble, permanent member of the Theatrum Mundi Ensemble and close collaborator of the internationally renowned theatrical director Eugenio Barba and ISTA (International School of Theater Anthropology), will come to Athens in October for an intensive Balinese Mask Dancetheater workshop, but also for the performance work demonstration “The Total Actor” at the renovated theater of Fabrica Artspace.
Balinese Mask Dancetheater Workshop
I Wayan Bawa will introduce the participants to Balinese dance basic principles which give the necessary stamina for postures which engage the whole body. He will teach the rules of composition and modulation of energy and train the participants’ voice through songs and spoken sequences. Throughout the workshop, participants will have the chance to familiarize with the usage of traditional Balinese masks, while at the end they will have the opportunity to watch for free the performance work demonstration “The Total Actor“. Main goal of the intensive workshop for the participants to learn all the principles that compose Balinese dance and that are universal and useful for actors, dancers and performers regardless of their artistic tradition and personal aesthetic choices.
Performance work demonstration
The intensive workshop will be completed with the performance work demonstration of I Wayan Bawa “The Total Actor“. In the show, the Balinese master, starting with an offer and an excerpt from Gambuh, the oldest Balinese form of dance-drama, will demonstrate vocal – song, dance and theater techniques from Bali, introducing the audience to the richness of the island’s performing arts and their connection with its religious ceremonies.
The main part of the show will be dedicated to Topeng, the famous Balinese mask dance. The performer will explain the characteristics of each mask, closing with a sequence of defined forms and improvised dialogue. The general public will be able to watch the performance by buying a ticket through
The Balinese Mask Dancetheater workshop will take place on October 25-31, 2021 at Fabrica Artspace. It will be conducted in English and there will be simultaneous translation into Greek. Participants will have the opportunity to attend the entire seminar (7 days), but also the first or second half (25 – 28/10 or 28 – 31/10). At the end, the participants will receive a certificate of attendance.
In order to participate in the seminar, it is necessary to show a negative covid rapid test, a disease certificate or a vaccination certificate in electronic or printed form. At the venue, but also for the implementation of the seminar, the necessary sanitary measures will be held for the safe and pleasant experience of all.
The Workshop of Balinese Dance Theater with Mask, as well as the Performance Work Demonstration “The Total Actor”, are made with the kind support of the Instituto Italiano di Cultura Atene. Many thanks to Costas Vantzos for coordinating the event “From Bali to Italy – From Italy to Greece”.
Organization – Production: Fabrica Athens – Fanis Katechos, Giovanna Michaliadi Sarti
Information ǀ Applications
Email: (enter Subject: Balinese Mask Dance)
Phone: +30 6949409474
Summary Information
Title: Balinese Mask Dancetheater Workshop
Rapporteur: I Wayan Bawa (Bali, Indonesia)
October 25 – 31 (7 days, 33 hours) or
October 25 – 28 (4 days, 19 hours) or
October 28 – 31 (4 days, 19 hours) and
October 31, 20:00 -21: 00 – Performance Work Demonstration “The Total Actor”
Hours: 10:00 – 14:30
Participation costs:
7 days
– Whole: 280 euros (+ VAT)
– Reduced: 260 euros (+ VAT)
4 days
– Whole: 200 euros (+ VAT)
– Reduced: 180 euros (+ VAT)
* The reduced prices are valid for early bird – repayment until 15/10, students of drama schools and dance schools, actors with SEI card, students of AEI-TEI and unemployed. It is necessary to show the relevant supporting documents in case of a reduced ticket (student card, unemployed card etc.)
Additional information
Curriculum Vitae of the Speaker
I Wayan Bawa (Bali) is the son of I Nyoman Sadeg, a famous masked dramatic performer, Topeng. At a young age he studied Gambuh, Topeng, Tjalonarang and theater of magic, under the guidance of I Made Djimat, one of the great Balinese dance teachers. In addition, he studied at the Dance Academy in Denpasar, STSI, and is now the art director and lead teacher for the male roles in the Gambuh Desa Batuan Ensemble. He has collaborated with ISTA (International School of Theater Anthropology) since 1995 and is a permanent member of the Theatrum Mundi Ensemble, participating in the performances Ur-Hamlet and The Marriage of Medea directed by the internationally renowned theater man Eugenio Barba. Also, since 2000, I Wayan Bawa has traveled independently around the world to deliver workshops and present the performance work demonstration “The Total Actor” created in collaboration with Julia Varley.