The story of Erotokritos and Aretousa – Tou senpleman – 19 to 24/11/19

Ερωτόκριτος, τεχνοχώρος φάμπρικα, fabrica athens, θέατρο, παραστάσεις, 2019 -2020, αθήνα,
The story of Erotokritos and Aretousa – Tou senpleman – 19 to 24/11/19

The theatrical group Tou Senpleman returns to the Fabrica Art Space, with the History of Erotokritos and Aretousa.

Niki Doulgeraki directs and presents for the 2nd year the meter masterpiece of Vitsenzo Kornaros “Erotokritos”, after the great success of last season.

In Athens, the knightly city of Vicenzo Cornaro, the expensive can become cheap, the helpless lad, the ugly handsome and a simple courtier the king of an entire country. Tou senpleman narrates the love of Erotokritos and Aretousa, a love of amalagos, without asceticism, with only their weapon the simple but special language of Vicenza Kornaros and their desire to share with you this wonderful renaissance fairy tale that travels from a fairy to this day. So listen to it and let it catch where it has knowledge. And you know that love can do anything.


Direction – adaptation: Niki Doulgeraki
Cast: Pelia Giannoulatou, Iliana Baferou, Anastasia Dendia, Eleni Zourelidou, Thanasis Voidilos, Nikos Samouridis
Editing: Grigoria Methenitis
Assistant Director: Lina Lambropoulou
Lighting design: Konstantinos Tsonopoulos

Costumes: Lina Lambropoulou, Tou Senpleman
Photos: Maria Spendou

Production: Fabrica Athens


When: every Saturday and Sunday from 19 to 24 November 2019
Time: 21:00
Duration: 70 minutes
Ticket: 10 euros
Reservations: 69 45 21 37 38 (Contact Hours: 15:30 – 21:30, Reservation required)
Venue: Fabrica Theater Stage – Fabrica Theater Stage