The pulsating actor – Alexandra Kazazou – 17-20 / 09/2020

σεμινάριο, Αλεξανδρα Καζάζου, τεχνοχώρος φάμπρικα, θέατρο, Fabrica athens, workhop, alexandra kazazou, 2020
The pulsating actor – Alexandra Kazazou – 17-20 / 09/2020

The Multifunctional Art Group – Fabrica Athens collaborates for the second time with the distinguished actress and director Alexandra Kazazou.

New workshop with Alexandra Kazazou at the Fabrica Technopark, for a small number of young actresses and performers, from 17 to 20 September.

The laboratory

By working accurately on the anatomical approach to the boundaries of the body and its sound vessels, any kind of aesthetic language can be stripped. This seminar aims to reunite the physicality of the pulsating performer, the musicality of the body and the physicality of the sound, as it emerges through the energy of the ensemble (Ensemble Energie).

A suggestion will be made:

  1. In cultivating the awareness of the body parts and its vessels, as well as in its expressive possibilities
  2. In the strengthening of the respiratory vessels
  3. In the embodiment of sound-text-song and in the creation of physical actions
  4. In the composition of the body
  5. In the rhythmic scores of the body and the voice
  6. In the harmonization of the horizontal with the vertical axis of the body and the voice
  7. In the deepening of the coordination technique (Coordination)

This seminar is addressed to actors, dancers, students and graduates of drama schools. It is important that participants wear comfortable clothing.

To apply, those interested should register by emailing, writing in the subject “The Radiant Performer” and attaching:

  1. Full Curriculum Vitae
  2. Recent photograph

Once selected in the workshop, participants should learn a common text that will be sent to them by the presenter.

Late applications and / or which do not include all of the above will be considered invalid.

Alexandra Kazazou

Alexandra Kazazu Greek-Polish, born in Wroclaw, Poland. She studied at the Theater Department of AUTh and then postgraduate studies in acting MA in Acting, under the auspices of Manchester Metropolitan University. Since 2010 he has been a close collaborator with the Grotowski Institute in Poland, while in Greece he works as an actor, choreographer and educator. In recent years he has been teaching at the Higher Private Drama School “Delos” and at the school of the State Theater of Northern Greece. In Greece he has collaborated as an actor with renowned directors, choreographers and composers, including Michael Marmarinos, Giannis Mantafounis, Io Voulgaraki, Giannis Leontaris, Petros Sevastikoglou, Filippos Tsalahouris, etc. He is also a founding member and director of the Teatr Andra theatrical group, based in Istanbul and composed of Greek, Turkish and Polish artists. He has taught many seminars at the Grotowski Institute, as a member of the Studio Matejka Physical Theater Group (2010-2015). He has also taught as a professor in residency at St. Lawrence of New York (2014) and Gonzaga University in Washington State (2015), and has offered masterclasses at Calarts University in Los Angeles, California (2018). Since 2015 he has been teaching at the Summer Academy of Performing Arts “Tiyatro Medresesi” located in the village of Sirince, Turkey. In 2017 she was nominated for the Theatrical Award Eleftheria Sapoutzi and in 2018 for the Theatrical Award Melina Mercouri. He is a founding member of the newly formed TRANSATLANTIC GROUP artistic group based in Greece and focuses on theatrical research and the exploration of new tools for educational artistic and documentary expression.


Seminar Title: The Pulsing Actor – Studium towards Punctum

Rapporteur: Alexandra Kazazou
When: 17, 18, 19, 20/09/2020
Total hours: 20 hours
Cost: 100 euros (the place is booked with a 50% deposit)
Where: Fabrica Theater Stage
Information – Applications: