“Suddenly” after “the summer” – Dream Drama Team – from 21/4/17

Ξαφνικά "μετά" το καλοκαίρι- Ονειρόδραμα
“Suddenly” after “the summer” – Dream Drama Team
From Friday, April 21 at 21:00 and for a certain number of performances, Technochoros Fabrica will host the performance “Suddenly” after “the summer”, by the Dream Drama team.

How did Saint Sebastian die? This question from Tennessee Williams’ poem for “Suddenly Last Summer” haunts two women: Sebastian’s mother, Violeta Venable, and Kathryn’s cousin.

Each has its own story to tell about (Sebastian) the hero of the play who will never appear on stage to find out the truth.
The obsessions of the two women for this person, his secrets, his life and his death, will bring them face to face.
The play is based on the work of Tennessee Williams Suddenly last summer. The two women after Sebastian’s death and after last summer will be found inmates in a psychiatric hospital. A catalyst there one (man) will place them in an (iron cage) and the two women will fight like wild beasts, they will confront themselves, they will give a fight for power and survival that will lead to redemption or in their permanent quagmire.
The performance through the research focuses both on the psychological context of the heroes, on the autobiographical elements of the author, on the quality of speech, the class struggle and the homophobic attitude of the time. Elements that concern today and the understanding of a great project.

Conception – Direction: Dream Drama

Sets – Costumes: Konstantinos Gougounis
Music: Dream Drama
Photos – Poster: Konstantinos Gougounis
Starring: Penny Kalafataki – Christina Moudatsou – Vassilis Papalazarou
Contact: Penny Kalafataki 6946342109 – Vassilis Papalazarou

Extension dates: 21-22-23-28-29-30 / 4 and 12-13-14 / 5
Start time: 21:00
Performance duration: 70 minutes
Input prices 10 € general entrance, 7 € reduced
Tel. Reservations: 6946342109
Venue: Fabrica Technopark, 125 Megalou Alexandrou and Evrymedontos, Kerameikos