Reborn – Art Exhibition – 04 to 20/09/2020

reborn, εικαστική έκθεση, Αθήνα, χώρος τέχνης και πολιτισμού, fabrica athens, fabrica artspace, photography
Art exhibition: Reborn
The Multifunctional Art Group Fabrica Athens and Fabrica Artspace are hosting the Reborn art exhibition.

The opening of the art exhibition “Reborn” by Stella Diplachili will take place on Friday, September 4, at 20:00 at the Fabrica Artspace.

Stella Diplachili was born and raised in Athens. She has studied 3D Animation and many of her influences come from her love of Japanese culture. The theme of the exhibition revolves around death and rebirth, the new and the old, white and black but most of all, the contrast with the horrible and the highlighting of the ugly side that we all refuse to see. With these works, the artist wants to show that after the difficult days we are reborn free and stronger.

Exhibition Opening: 04/09/2020 at 20:00
Exhibition Duration: 04-20 / 09/2020
Where: Fabrica Artspace, 125 Megalou Alexandrou Street, Evrymedontos, Keramikos, Athens