Kinetic Meditation • Dance and Physical Expression with Maria Varela – Weekly Online Courses 2021 (via zoom)
Fabrica Art space and Movement Medicine Greece invite you to a unique exploration of movement and physical expression!
Awakening the Body
What is it about?
Movement Medicine is an exciting practice of kinetic meditation / awareness through movement that combines the pleasure of our dance with the mindfulness and wisdom of shamanic understanding of nature and the world around us. It invites us to breathe, to listen to our body and let it “translate” our experience into movement and expression.
The practice is guided. The movement / exploration can be adapted to the special capabilities of each body, at the same time following the thread given by the instructions.
What we do
With the help of selected music from every corner of the Earth, and targeted guidance, we pay a little more attention to our breathing and follow the moving body. Through meditative dance and structured experiential explorations, we motivate the body to awaken, the mind to focus and let the senses “form” us. We transform the experience of the moment into kinetic creation and authentic personal expression that is released and liberates us. Bringing us, with each step, closer to where we are and paving the way for what we want to share.
To whom is it adressed to
It is aimed at adults interested in discovering new practices of physical, mental and emotional discharge and rejuvenation, based on movement and meditation ∙ along with deep curiosity and need to get to know themselves and the people around them better, discovering intelligence, expressiveness and the enjoyment of the moving body.
- The meetings follow a broader thematic thread but are independent and there are different participation options (individual meeting / drop-in, four consecutive or the whole two-month cycle).
- No previous experience with dancing or meditation and no special physical condition is required, only respect for the limits of the body.
Movement is medical whether you are moving a life, professionally or amateurly, or you are just starting out and think you have two left legs (or arms!). All you need is clothes to move around comfortably, your little water – and especially yourself, as it is.
Date and time: Monday 05.04.2021, and time 20.15-21.30 and every Monday until 26.04.2021 (participation only with reservation and prepayment of the course)
Venue • Online through the zoom platform
Contact, information and reservations •, 6998 729988
BOOKING IS NECESSARY no later than 12 noon on the same day, and as early as possible.
You need to have:
– Computer or some electronic device. We recommend a laptop or pc for better performance, but a lot of people connect via tablet or mobile and bring us positive experiences.
– Speakers or headphones. We have seen that they help the quality of the sound you receive and therefore you hear better. Nevertheless, there are still people who listen satisfactorily to the speakers of their laptop or tablet. We suggest you try it out and decide what helps you personally.
– A good internet connection, as its quality affects the quality of the sound you receive.
We will use the zoom application, a well-known and constantly evolving platform for online meetings. You need to register or download it from this address: It is free and you register with your email. The process is simple and quite short. For help with its operation, you can explore the zoom help center page:–us.
– When you click the link that we will send you to connect to the lesson, follow the messages that the application automatically displays on your screen. Make sure you press the Join with Computer Audio button (or Join Audio in the lower left), which shows you the zoom when it opens, so that the sound reaches you normally.
Rapporteur: Maria Varela
Maria Varela is a movement medicine teacher at Movement Medicine, certified in England. She completed vocational training with the founders, Susannah and Ya’Acov Darling Khan, at the School of Movement Medicine in Devon (a total of 1000 hours of training, 120 hours of practice, at least 150 hours of experience as an assistant instructor and ongoing supervision). She has been attending the trainings since 2014 and collaborates with the School as the official organizer of workshops in Greece. She also participates in three-day and five-day seminars as an assistant trainer, in various European countries, since 2017. She teaches Movement Medicine courses / workshops inside and outside Attica, as well as online courses. She is a member and follows the code of conduct of the International Association of Certified Practitioners, Movement Medicine Association (
She has been focusing specifically on active, motor meditation and meditation therapies since 2006 and has been practicing intensive movement practices since 2011. She has completed training at Twice Born | Primal, specializing in meditation techniques and experiential exercises related to issues of unprogramming from childhood beliefs, in Greece and Italy (2007-2009).
She has studied Foreign Languages and Translation (Corfu, 2000). She holds a Master’s Degree in European Studies (Siena, 2003) and a Doctorate in Political Discourse Analysis (Athens, 2012). She has worked as a scientific text editor and writing consultant / assistant for academics, researchers and teachers, non-native English speakers, for more than ten years.
For more information on motor meditation, you can listen to the podcast of her Boem Radio interview here: Maria Varela @ Boem Radio
More information about Movement Medicine courses and seminars in Greece, you can find:
fb: Movement Medicine Greece
Main website: School of Movement Medicine
* in the context of Fabrica Athens online courses