roberta carreri, athens, workshop, odin teatret, fabrica athens, march 2023, σεμινάρια, εργαστήρια, αθήνα, μάρτιος 2023, φθηνά σεμινάρια, low cost workshops europe
Dance of Intentions
Theater workshop with Roberta Carreri in Athens.
The Multiactive group of art Fabrica Athens hosts the great actress and theater teacher Roberta Carreri for a three day theater workshop in Athens.

The workshop “Dance of Intentions” with Roberta Carreri is divided into two parts. The first part will concentrate on the actor’s physical training — on the awakening of the actor’s presence. The second part will focus on the work with the voice, comprising exercises that awaken the sonority of the voice and develop the capacity to make vocal actions in the space.

The aim of the workshop is to transmit, in a relatively short period of time, the basis of an actor’s training that can helpthe young actors to discover their scenic presence through the exploration of a formalized scenic behavior and the experienced actors to provide a way to free themselves of their performing automatism, their own clichés.

The workshop will focus on the perception of your own presence in relation to the space and to the other actors on stage and find ways of how one can be present in the action one is doing and at the same time be ready to react. The workshop will also focus on how to find the centre line of your body, how to work with the “in-tensions” and in which way we achieve a dynamic immobility. We will explore different qualities of energy of the gaze and learn how to identify different points of the body where the impulse that will lead one in space starts. We will work with the creation of physical and vocal actions, and how to realize them with different qualities of energy – e.g. slow motion. And finally the workshop will also focus on the aspect of vocal training with several body resonators and the relations between vocal and physical actions.

Each participant is required to come to the workshop with a text of at least 20 lines.

Roberta Carreri

Roberta Carreri is an actor, teacher, writer and organiser. She was born in 1953 in Milan, Italy, where she graduated in Advertising Design and studied Art History at the Milan State University. She joined Odin Teatret in 1974 during the group’s stay in Carpignano, Italy. Roberta Carreri has taken part in ISTA (International School of Theatre Anthropology) since its beginning in 1980, coming into contact with performing techniques from Japan, India, Bali and China. This has influenced her work as an actress and teacher. From 1980 to 1986 she studied with Japanese masters such as Katsuko Azuma (Nihon Buyo dancer), NatsuNakajima and Kazuo Ohno (Butoh dancers). She gives workshops for actors all over the world and presents, as a work demonstration, her professional autobiography, Traces in the Snow. She organises and leads the annual international workshop Odin Week Festival in Holstebro and abroad. In 2009 she directed Rumor with Cinzia Ciaramicoli for Masakini Theatre Company (Malaysia). Her professional experiences are presented in The Actor’s Way, edited by Erik Exe Christoffersen. Roberta Carreri has written her own book Tracce (published in 2007 by Edizioni Il Principe Costante, Milano and by Editora Perspectiva, Brazil in 2011), in which she relives the most relevant aspects of her theatre life – her training, pedagogy and her story as an actress of Odin Teatret. Her articles have been published in journals such as New Theatre Quarterly, Teatro e Storia, Máscara, The Open Page and Performance Research.

Performances: The Book of Dances, Come! And the Day will be Ours, Anabasis, The Million, Brecht’s Ashes, The Gospel According to Oxyrhincus, Judith, Kaosmos, Inside the Skeleton of the Whale, Ode to Progress, Mythos, Salt, Great Cities under the Moon, Andersen’s Dream, Don Giovanni all’Inferno, Ur-Hamlet, The Chronic Life.

Performance Demonstrations: Traces in the Snow, Whispering Winds, Dialogue between two Actors, Letter to the Wind.

Inquires / Applications

Workshop title: Dance of Intentions

Teacher: Roberta Carreri (Nordisk Teaterlaboratorium)

Dates & hours:
20, 21, 22 March 2023, 11:00 – 16:00

Participation fees:
– Early bird: 170 euros (until the 20th of February 2023)
– Discount fee for students and unemployed: 180 euros
– Full fee: 200 euros

Applications received via email:
– Theme: Dance of Intentions
– Contact details: Full name, telephone number, email address
– CV
– For the discount fee it is necessery to additionally send a valid document (student or unemployment card)

Information contact: +30 69 818 716 69 (Monday to Saturday: 12:00 – 17:00 CET)